Rabbit Myxomatosis Virus
Because of the wet conditions we have had during Spring mosquito numbers are very high at the moment and as a result we are seeing Myxomatosis infection in pet rabbits in Adelaide.
Myxomatosis is transmitted between rabbits by biting insects, including fleas and mosquitoes. It can also be directly transmitted from infected rabbits via nasal and eye discharges.
Sadly, the majority of domestic rabbits infected with myxomatosis virus do not survive - so prevention is by far the best option. We recommend that all rabbit owners do everything possible to prevent biting insects from having contact with their pet rabbits.
Hutches should be covered with Insect proof netting and rabbits should be kept inside at dusk and in the evening when mosquitoes are most active. It is also important to ensure your rabbit is treated regularly with Advantix. Rabbits need a different dose compared to dogs and cats - contact us and we can let you know the correct dose for your rabbit.
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